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Replacing some fossil resources with bio-based materials without changing the processes or industrial equipment

What is the "Mass Balance" approach?

The "Mass Balance" approach consists in replacing fossil by renewable feedstock at the origin of the supply chain. This is done by tracing through bookeeping the quantity of renenwable material and "attributing" this quantity to finished products at the end of the chain.

The "Mass Balance" approach doesn't need any changes to the process or new product certifications since the products maintain their high quality and performance. This makes it simpler for our customers to adopt them.

Watch the Mass Balance webinar replay 

Discover the new range of Sartomer® UV-LED-EB curable bio-attributed solutions expanding the existing segregated offer. You'll understand how to take advantage of these new products to bring more circularity and lower the carbon footprint of your own solutions for performance coatings, graphic arts and materials.

Fill in the form on the link below to access the replay and download the slides of the presentation

Access the replay 

The replacement of fossil feedstocks by bio/bio-circular feedstocks will support Arkema’s customers in achieving their climate plan goals by reducing their scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.”

Certifying the traceability of this bio-based origin

To guarantee that our "Mass Balance" products can be traced, our entire supply chain is certified by a third-party organization in accordance with ISCC+ standards.
We provide our customers with certificates that guarantee the share of bio-based feedstock in the product they are purchasing.
The ISCC+ certification of our entire supply chain ensures that the renewable sources meet ISCC+ standards for sustainable materials.

Arkema Villers-Saint-Paul site (FR) plant has been recently certified

Arkema, a world leader in UV-LED-EB curable specialty materials, achieves a new milestone in its sustainability journey with the ISCC+ certification of its Villers-Saint-Paul site, France, and the launch of a new range of Sartomer® bio-attributed solutions offering up to 40 % carbon footprint reduction versus fossil equivalents.


*Mass BalanceMass balance chain of custody is designed to track the total amount of the content in scope through the production system and ensure an appropriate allocation of this content to the finished goods based on auditable bookkeeping. Property conservation principle is set to ensure that the total certified output does not exceed its original input and take into account the appropriate conversion losses and production / assembly ratios.  “The ISSC+ certification of the whole supply chain guarantees that the origin of the renewable sources meets ISCC+ standards for sustainable feedstocks. 
